Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brayden at 2 months

Well Bray is growing up way to fast! I can't believe he is already two months! I know I am a few days late but hey life has been a little crazy. Anyways, here are what Brayden is doing.

* He can smile, though you really have to work at it
* He will talk and coo now
* He can support his head almost all the way
* He can push up on his hands and lift chest off ground
* He can roll over from stomach to back
* He can EAT!!! haha
* He has started to reach for toys
* He looks for me when he hears my voice
* He can sleep for 6 hours straight!! yay!!
* He can sit in his bumbo

He is a such a funny little baby. Sometimes he loves to be swaddled up and other times he just wants to be free. I am pretty sure he fakes sleep at times and just wants to see if I will put him down. He is a snuggler!!! He loves to be held and loves to be talked to. He likes to play on the floor on his exercise mat. He is starting to discover that he can make other noises besides just crying. He is so much fun to have around and I feel so complete now that we have him. He brings our family so much joy. Ada has really started to snuggle him and give him kisses all the time and let everyone know that she is a big sister and that is her brother. I am so happy that she likes him! At least for now...

Here are his two month stats:

Height 21 1/4 in
Weight 11lbs 2oz
Head Circumference 39.5 cm

And of course pictures!

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