On a side note, I had to go to Wal mart to get her some pediasure so that she was getting more nutrients. Well I decided that she deserved a new toy after such an exhausting day. We were there for almost 7 hours running tests. I got her the cutest little stroller for her baby doll. And then when we were in the baby section getting the pediasure she saw some Dora pjs that she kept saying Dora! Dora! Backpack! Dora! So I couldn't help but get them for her. Here she is still playing even after a day like that.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ada Update
Today has been one of the most exhausting days I think I have ever been through. Ada has been having the same issues she has had for a while and I was taking the steps necessary to get her into a specialist here but of course, how it always goes with tricare, it was taking forever! Well then this morning there was some concerning things, Ok more like freak out things, happening so I took her straight to the ER. Of course the lady tried to brush me off again and tell me she would put through another refferal to the specialist but that can take up to 3 months. So I flat out told the lady I wasn't leaving until someone did something to make my child better. I said what would you want done if you had a kid that was throwing up almost every day and refusing to eat and not gaining weight and getting sicker by the day...she looked at me, and as tears were running down my face I think she finally got it. So needless to say she called down a specialist from the peds unit upstairs and FINALLY someone would hear me out on her. Well after they started looking at her he realized that I did really have a sick baby and I wasn't jsut some over paranoid mother. We are in the middle of a bunch of tests being ran right now. Today they ran more tests on her then I think any parent would want their kid going through. It was awful! I hated every second of it and all I wanted was to take the place of my sweet baby girl. Why couldn't I be sick and not her? And having Scott so far away makes the situation about a million times worse. As far as what they have discovered I dont know yet. I only have some of the answers. They will be running more tests this week and I have an appt on Tuesday to go over everything with the specialist and figure out where we go from here. They did find that she has a heart murmur and also an irratic heart rate. They are not the same thing and we are not sure the extent of it. Its a completly new issue that the doctor was shocked had never been found before. Also they are running cat scans on her head becasue of throwing up and the fact that my kid is always falling down. I know I jokingly call her a clutz all the time, guess I never thought to think it could be a warning sign that something else is wrong. And then as far as he intestinal issues go, they are worried she may have some kind of a flipped intestinal track. A condition that would be considered life threatening if not treated. Like I said I dont have much to offer yet cause I myself dont have all the answers. For right now I am supposed to just keep her calm and content. Feed her what she will eat and make sure she is hydrated. Not sure what else to say. Today has been the longest of my life and I am drained. I need my husband home. I dont know how single moms do it but I give them all the credit in the world. I dont think I have ever felt as alone as I did today.
On a side note, I had to go to Wal mart to get her some pediasure so that she was getting more nutrients. Well I decided that she deserved a new toy after such an exhausting day. We were there for almost 7 hours running tests. I got her the cutest little stroller for her baby doll. And then when we were in the baby section getting the pediasure she saw some Dora pjs that she kept saying Dora! Dora! Backpack! Dora! So I couldn't help but get them for her. Here she is still playing even after a day like that.
On a side note, I had to go to Wal mart to get her some pediasure so that she was getting more nutrients. Well I decided that she deserved a new toy after such an exhausting day. We were there for almost 7 hours running tests. I got her the cutest little stroller for her baby doll. And then when we were in the baby section getting the pediasure she saw some Dora pjs that she kept saying Dora! Dora! Backpack! Dora! So I couldn't help but get them for her. Here she is still playing even after a day like that.
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This made me cry. I thought I was having a stressful day today and then i read this. she is such a sweet heart and i hope she feels better and I hope that they can treat her and make her all better again. Give her a HUGE hug and kiss for me. Stay strong. U are an amazing mom and you are doing such a good job with her. And soon u will get to be a family again with your hubby!! I love you AL!!!!!
It's amazing how kids can be happy even with all the crap they have to do deal with! I'm sorry it was such a bad day but I am glad that you finally got through to someone and they will start doing something about it. Keep us posted on her condition and we will keep you in our prayers. Love you both!!
I am glad someone finally saw her and that you do not have to wait on the referral process thru Tricare now. I hope that you are able to find out on tuesday or at least soon what is going on and that everything ends up being, okay or at least treatable. Sorry you had such an exhausting day, if you need to talk im here!
I am so sorry you had to have this to go through as a parent. I love you and Ada very much and I pray for you and Ada that everything will be ok. You are one of the strongest people I know and so supportive of Ada and I am confident you both will get through this just fine. Love you both and call me if you need anything.
Love mom
I sure hope that they can finally figure out what is going on with little Ada. I'm sorry that she has been so sick. Stay strong, you are an amazing mom and you are doing a great job on your own. :)
Oh, I'm so sorry. That sounds pretty awful to be dealing with all of this, especially with Scott not around. Hang in there, it sounds as though you might start getting answers. I'm glad for you about that. Give me a call if you need.
You are both in our prayers! Hang in there, hopefully soon this will all be figured out and a done deal. Prayers!
Hey Lovelies! We love you three! When Parker was in the hospital at 3 months old with RSV and was so sick and with such labored breathing- I tried to get Brian home from Iraq through the Red Cross and the Commander asked the doctor" What is the percentage that he will die?" and the doctor said "with a weeks care he will be fine, if he hadn't been admitted 95%, but currently it is only 45%" and Brian's commander said that 45% chance of death was too low to send Brian home I felt completely alone and pissed off and lost. I can't say I know exactly how you feel, but I wanted you to know there is someone who loves you who has an idea of what you're suffering through. I love you tons! You're in our prayers- all three of you! xoxoxoxo
So sorry that you have to go through this with Scott and all the family so far away. We are here for you. All three of you are in our prayers. Love you, mom
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